How to Choose the Best Website Builder in 2022? | optimiser

How to Choose the Best Website Builder in 2022?

Reportedly, 24 percent of retailers say that they do not have a website because they do not know how to make one. This stems from minimal to lack of coding knowledge. However, low code solutions such as website builders are vital for businesses. In addition, more than 50 percent of consumers believe that website design is crucial for a business's overall brand. 

Website builders can be used by an organisation to create a dream website that will generate sales and nurture current relationships.


1. Budget 

To choose a website builder, you will have to determine your budget. Then, consider all the costs involved in building a professional website. Not to miss, some people also consider hiring a web designer if their budget permits them. However, if you are going after a website builder. You will need to create an account for domain registration and hosting. Plus, you will need to invest in images and your website copy. 

Many website builders offer a free plan that includes hosting and limited templates. Those who charge offer an extensive amount of templates and even advertising benefits. 

If you have a limited budget, many builders offer a package plan that provides a host of suitable benefits for your individual needs. For example, Optimiser Touchpoint gives you the freedom to create a website that is personalised and can be customised. 


2. Needs and Priority

When you start with website building, you will prepare ideas of what it will look like and what will be its purpose. 

For most website builders, you do not need any prior coding knowledge. These low code solutions are a great answer to those who cannot hire a designer and a developer. Some website builders are easy to use, and some are not. If you are into the learning as you go process, you should look for a website builder that offers the drag and drop design feature and pre-built templates.

If you are looking for flexibility, you can choose from provided templates and added elements, or you can create your templates. This is a hybrid option given by many builders. 

You also need to consider the purpose while choosing a website builder. For example, suppose you are planning to take your retail website online. In that case, you will be adding video, photos, blogs, maps etc. 

Additionally, you will have to make your website mobile-friendly. Because most people use phones to access websites. If it is not loading properly or quickly, they will shut it down quickly. In 2021, mobile devices generated 54.8 percent of global website traffic.



3. Theme Selection 

Ensure that the website builder you are investing in offers customisation. If you are not getting themes that you like under the subscription, you will not be able to brand your website.

You will need a whole host of elements and templates for branding. Some website builders allow users to build their own templates. This can be done with the assistance of a web designer. But if you are not looking into the option, seek out website builders that allow you to build your templates such as Touchpoint. 


4. Ease of Usage

The best website builders tend to be easy to use. Most people without any coding knowledge can use it. But even then, some website builders get complex for first-timers.

So before you get into the website building, be sure to check if the builder offers the drag and drop feature. It makes things simpler while using the website builder.

Look into the review of the website builder. With the rise of online business due to the pandemic, there will be several honest reviews that can be used to solve your queries on whether you should opt for a particular website builder or not.

User experience is really important as these people are likely to have the same amount of coding knowledge as you, which is minimal to none. Therefore, you can leverage this information and seek out the best choice for yourself.



5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO features are important. After making a website, you will need to promote it. And it is also important that people find it while searching for similar services online. When you implement SEO's best practices, it will rank higher on the search engines. 

Any good website builder will have SEO features that ensure that on-site optimisation is effortless. 

Touchpoint offers integration with Optimiser's robust CRM, easy tools to update all the SEO meta elements and tag your social media handles. 


6. Resources and Support

Once you purchase a plan, you will be in business with the website builder. But, before buying it, check out the resources and support offered by the company. They will have tutorials and blogs from where you can learn to build a website by yourself so that you do not have to reach out to them for simple queries. 


7. Company Reviews 

Before purchasing, do not forget to check company reviews and reputation. It will be easier if you choose a company with a good reputation for customer service and flexible assistance. 



Ultimately, a good website builder is one that you can learn to use by yourself. Another factor to consider is customer service, which will assist you while building a website. They should be cooperative; otherwise, your subscription may not prove to be useful for business.




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