Affordable Sales Management Toolkit for Managers | Optimiser | optimiser

How Optimiser is a great sales manager toolkit

Sales Manager duties

Sales software essentials

Optimiser’s sales software

Optimiser for managers


Sales manager toolkits are vital suites of tools designed to help run a sales department. They are usually oriented at streamlining the managers’ high-volume daily tasks: monitoring tasks, the budget, people management and communicating with key decision makers in upper management.


Sales Manager duties

Sales managers are responsible for the running of a sales department, including the management of a team of salespeople. Dependent on the size of the organisation, the sales manager’s tasks will have some variation. Sales managers of SMEs will typically have a more hands-on role, whereas sales managers from Enterprises will be one of many managers operating a strategy across territories from an overseers capacity. However, there are a few tasks that a typical sales manager will always encounter in any business:

People management duties include:

  • Assigning tasks
  • Mentoring team members
  • Coaching new staff
  • Sales training
  • Hiring salespeople

Departmental management duties include:

  • Setting selling quotas
  • Assigning territories
  • Offering guidance to upper management
  • Upholding policies from upper management
  • Monitor the sales budget

Sales managers often need a strong foundational knowledge in selling, great communication skills, and ability to motivate a team. Due to these requirements, the shining stars of sales manager toolkits are the internal management tools rather than tools for sales!


Sales software essentials

As your organisation grows and sales technology develops, you should be updating your sales software to keep up with your market competitors. Sales software has become increasingly intelligent and affordable, and so every business from SMEs to Enterprises is able make use of sales tools to optimise their selling.

Sales tools can be divided into multiple smaller categories, from CRM to marketing integrations, lead handing to analytics, and automations across the full sales cycle.

Choosing your sales tools is a matter of assessing the needs of your sales department. Not every company has the same needs for sales: SMEs will differ from Enterprises, B2Bs will differ from B2Cs. You may need to manage a high-volume single purchase pipeline that requires lead management, or your business model may be centred on longer sales cycles that require building strong and loyal customer relationships.

Essential features include:

  • Calendar
    • Manage multiple distinct work patterns
    • Track your reps holidays, overtime and sick days
    • Schedule meetings and calls
    • Live calendar updates to stay on top of your schedule
  • Tasks
    • Create and assign tasks to best-suited reps
    • Track and monitor team progression
    • Add deadlines to keep projects on schedule
  • Pipeline
    • Assign leads and promote collaboration between reps
    • Manage your high-volume sales funnel 
  • Contacts and Accounts
    • Link Contacts to Accounts for proxy sales
    • Understand your contact web better


Optimiser’s sales software

  1. Sales software integrated with CRM

Optimiser’s Sales software suite is integrated with a powerful core CRM module. Keep the customer’s journey at the core of your sales considerations for an optimised pipeline, better lead nurturing and higher retention leading to increased Closed Won deals.

  1. People management for internal and external coordination
  • Manage your internal staff using a comprehensive, cloud-based calendar. Create, allocate and prioritise simple and clear tasks and activities. Track reps progress with clean analytics.
  • External people management in the form of three-dimensional Contact and Account profiles. Share reports and files securely with third parties on-platform using two-factor verification. 
  1. Scalable and affordable

Find a subscription uniquely customised to your business’s needs. Whether you are operating a small sales team within a SME or charity, or you are head of a territory’s sales team as part of a global-scale enterprise.

The great feature about cloud-hosted CRM and sales tools for sales managers is that the software is flexible and can grow as you do. That means, no matter which direction your business goes in or how rapidly you expand, your sales toolkit will easily be able to keep up.


Optimiser for managers

Optimiser allows unlimited customisable user accounts, meaning your staff can each have access to your business’ most vital sales data, stay up to date on the latest sales priorities, and work in synchronisation to streamline the department’s workflow. As a manager you can gain better insight into overall departmental performance, track your reps activity, and stay on top of your calendar management.

Seamlessly integrated with Optimiser’s core CRM module and powerful solution suites, create a flawless workflow between departments and increase overall revenue by building a more productive business process.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

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