Automate Your Marketing Processes and Focus on Conversions | optimiser


Automate your marketing and focus on conversions

What is automation?

What benefits does automation have over manual?

How can automation improve my conversions?

Optimiser’s automated CRM

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Automations are a great way for businesses from any industry to drive a more productive and structured sales funnel, optimise the customer experience and generate higher sales. By saving reps’ time on manual repetitive tasks, they can handle more conversions from your high-volume pipeline.


What is automation?

Automation is a word used to refer to any IT software that self-directs. For businesses, this definition encompasses the technology used to carry out routine and manual repetitive tasks that would otherwise require manual solutions, without any need for human intervention.

Business automations are mostly useful when it comes to tasks that are formulaic, can be calculated or are the same every time. For example, if the Customer Journey was represented as a flowchart, business automations may take over the parts of that journey that requires the handling of numeric data: predictive lead scoring, sales forecasting and contact frequency analysis. 



Almost any business task that requires the handling and manipulation of data is possible to automate to at least a partial degree.


What benefits does automation have over manual?

You may be asking yourself whether automations are necessary for you. For example, it can seem like a risk for SMEs to increase outgoing IT software costs when there are few conversions to focus on to begin with. 

Well, there are a number of warning signs that you can look out for that should be a good indicator of whether your business is ready to start implementing automations into its daily processes. Do you:

  • Find that your teams sometimes double up or skip out on tasks?
  • Feel like a large percentage of your day is taken up with admin work?
  • Sometimes make errors in tasks due to data mishandling?
  • Spend too much time converting unstructured data into structured data?
  • Wish there was a quick way to reduce spending and increase sales at the same time?

Automations are your answer to all these problems! In comparison to manual handling, automations:

  • Save time and financial resources
  • Clean and interpret data
  • Identify errors, gaps and duplicate information
  • Improve employee productivity
  • Make fast predictions about trends, customer preferences, purchasing, churn and marketing
  • Develop more concise and effective strategies
  • Help increase sales

Whatsmore, companies often found time resources saved on automations enable better selling processes: evening out the financial resource loss on IT software.


Find out how automations work in Optimiser's CRM Platform

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How can automations improve my conversions?

When it comes to business growth, automations should be one of the first considerations you make. By implementing the following automations into your sales funnel 

  1. Predictive lead scoring

No longer involving large spreadsheets or complicated equations, automations are a great way to manage the parts of the customer cycle involving data and analytics. Automation can assign predictive lead scores, and create reports in the form of charts and graphs.

  1. Routine follow-ups

We all know what it’s like to chase on prospects that have gone quiet, send out reminders to follow up on the next stages, and do that first blanket mailer after a campaign or event. This is where automations save you the most time: by scheduling a customised email to go out on a pre-designated date, determined by data about your last communication.

  1. Create a stellar sales team

Gain more clarity on the performance of your sales team, and help them to optimise their use of time. More time spent on communication and building brand relationships with key partners and clients will allow them to convert a higher number of prospects and create enhanced nurturing processes for existing customers at once.

Once you’ve saved time on optimising your conversion strategy and started to notice the increase in new customers, you can focus more time on nurturing existing clients. Studies show that it costs an average of 10x more to onboard a new customer than to retain an existing one. When looking to optimise sales, you should always put equal focus on growing your customer base for short bursts of growth, and customer retention for a strong and steady increase.


Optimiser’s automated CRM

Optimiser’s CRM is a powerful set of tools that help you manage and improve your customer journey. Customer relationship management software should form the centre of any customer experience or lead management plan: allowing you to take control of your sales funnel.

Customers were found to be more likely to return to do business with a company again based on excellent customer service than any other factor, including product and service value. 

With Optimiser’s CRM automations, you can augment your conversions process in the following ways:

  • Gather all lead and prospect information in a single comprehensive database for faster and simpler analysis
  • Understand which parts of your sales cycle are busiest and where automations are the most necessary
  • Use data on your conversions to optimise strategies across the full company scope, from sales and marketing to finance
  • Enhance the way you communicate across multiple customer touchpoints 


Try it for FREE

Try Optimiser’s full Enterprise Licence free for 30 days and discover how customised automated tools can improve the way you do business. Supporting you and your teams throughout every stage of your business growth journey, Optimiser’s CRM modules are conveniently integrated to create a smart automated information flow for the full customer journey. From repetitive tasks to marketing email scheduling, find out how Optimiser’s powerful tools can implement the best possible growth solution for your business.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

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Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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