3 Ways to “WOW” Your Customers and Exceed Expectations | optimiser

3 Ways to “WOW” Your Customers and Exceed Expectations

The quality of service provided to customers is what keeps them happy and helps companies in improving their retention rate. Having an excellent customer support system can directly impact revenue generation. The better service you offer, the more likely the customer will return to you as well as give recommendations to their contact about your business. A customer engagement platform will ensure that you can handle your customer’s expectations seamlessly. 

Retaining old customers is important as these customers have the experience of your product and their reviews can persuade a lead into buying your product. 

It has been well-established that you might have the best product in the market, but if your customer support is poor, your competitor that lacks a couple of features will still make more sales than you. 


1. Service Process

Customer support and suppliers have to grow along with your business. Your business cannot rely on excel sheets solely. As the data increases, it will become increasingly difficult to manage customer expectations. 

Customers of today expect instant issue resolution and support via a channel that is convenient to them. The communication channel used is defined by their needs, and not yours. Whether it be email, phone, social media, online, chat etc. 

9 in 10 consumers hope for a seamless omnichannel experience while switching from one method of communication to another. 

Once you begin to receive requests from multiple channels, your excel sheets will become redundant, leading you to miss requests while favouring others. 

To maintain a consistent customer experience across all channels, it is important to have an automated system that will create tickets and systemise them.

Every 1 in 3 customers is likely to ditch a beloved brand after a single bad experience. So, using a ticketing system will ensure that they are heard and their issues are resolved without any delays. 

Best CRM service provider, Optimiser collects all customer inquiries, organises them and then shares the tickets with customer support. The customer service agents can communicate with the customer through their communication channel preference. Each of the tickets has a unique reference number and your team can access customer data in a few clicks to assist them fully.



2. Swift Customer Service Delivery 

What makes customer service better is speed. Many companies that take up time in resolving customer inquiries have lost a number of customers due to slow service. The average response time within which a customer service request should be tackled is 12 hours and 10 minutes. And even then, 62% of companies fail to respond which furthers the customer's frustration. Companies that fail to meet customer expectations lose a huge amount of revenue and have to resolve an unnecessary amount of internal follow-up work. 

Automated confirmation with Optimiser’s Customer Relationship management software can be used to let your customers know that their request has been registered. Any response from the company will keep the customer engaged. 

In case you wish to personalise the service, you can include the unique request ID for tracking, customer support working hours and even supporting information that is relevant to their case. 

Obviously, you will not receive similar questions from every customer. Each will have a different concern of their own and to manage these requests you can create a reply template feature with email signatures. 

A predefined response will be sent to the customer that contains answers to routine questions. This is self-service. About 73% of customers wish to resolve their issues on their own. And 70% expect the company to have a self-service application. 

Over 61% of customers would rather solve their issues than speak to a customer service representative. You can create a library of FAQs that can be shared with the customers as well as put on the website so that the customers can find their own answers. 

If it resolves the customer issues, great! If not, your customer can reach out to you for a personalised support experience.



3. Panoramic View of Customers

Less than 10% of companies have a 360-degree view of the customers. And out of that number, only 5% are able to leverage the information systematically to gain a competitive edge in the market. 

With the data on the customer saved in one place, you will be able to access the relevant customer detail in the time of need. Be it customer information, quotes, past interactions, history of purchase etc. Another benefit of the 360-degree view of customers is that it builds collaboration between departments. Companies struggle to align marketing and sales. Only a handful of them manage to cross this boundary to generate more sales and retain old customers. The data transparency ensures that every department can access full information 



Exceeding customer expectations can save you time as well as financial resources as customer advocacy is a powerful tool. Better than any tactics of advertising and marketing, customer recommendations can improve your business.



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Further Resources

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